Content Consulting and Business Writing
Effective business communication is the key to success. Grab your customer’s attention. Position yourself as the go-to expert. Sell your services. We work with companies and individuals to help them determine their marketing messages to better define their brand.
Brochures and Newsletters
Brochures and newsletters are increasingly written and designed for online distribution. Print or online? Both ways will help you sell your products and services and promote your messages. We have the experience you need to develop your messages..
Website and Blog Writing and Editing
Writing for the web is different than writing for print. Whether you need to create a website or write a blog, you need to consider how your content is written and who will be reading it. We’ve grown up with the internet and all of its changes. The one constant, good content matters.
Press Releases, Press Kits, Corporate Fact Sheets
Press releases, media kits, and corporate fact sheets require a direct style that reflects both your company’s goals and your image, all while delivering essential information to the media.
We can help you navigate through the media jungle.
We Offer
Blog assistance
Company and product naming
Company profiles
Marketing sales sheets
Personal and professional bios
Press kits
Website content
Editing Non-fiction
The first rule of editing is respect.
We respect our clients’ ideas, unique voice, subject matter expertise, and goals.
What’s the difference between editing and writing?
Writing involves creating content from original research, interviews, existing materials and notes,
and imagination.
Editing involves revising content.
Home Row edits for:
Factual accuracy
Content use–print or online
We respect that each author – or team - has a unique voice or style. Our job is to enhance written communication and respect that the author is an expert in his or her field.
We edit to both the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) and AP style – or your selected style manual.
We provide editing to select works of fiction.
Company and Product Naming and Marketing
Every name tells a story, what’s yours?
Home Row Editorial has extensive experience developing product and company names. A brand is only as strong as its image and each name must tell a story.
In today’s competitive environment, a new brand must have value to your customer. We understand that the word “value” is different depending on the audience. Value could mean wealth, health, social status, or social conscious marketing. We can help you define your meaning of value and apply it to a trademarkable name and strong visual image.
Advertising and Creative Extras
Look around and you’ll see words everywhere. (Go ahead, we’ll wait.) Our visual world is full of compelling advertisements, websites, social medial postings, blogs, newsletters, magazines, and more.
Words and visuals help us navigate through our day. Home Row Editorial provides content consulting to help you develop your communication projects.